Eighth grade to travel to Smithville Inn

By Talia M. and Chrissy D.
Staff Writers

All eligible eighth graders will be going on a trip to Smithville Inn on Friday, May 26. 

This is an annual trip that the eighth graders have a chance to enjoy before going off to high school. 

In order to prepare, students were given a permission slip which also asked them to choose their meals. The options available included roast beef, chicken parmesan, and pasta as a vegetarian option. 

You’re probably thinking this is an expensive time, but actually it’s an all-expenses-paid trip for the eighth graders by the school. To prepare for their future careers, the eighth graders will have a chance to experience fine dining. 

After the meals, there will be a surprise in store for the eighth graders. To learn more information about this trip, we interviewed Mr. Broomhead for more details. 

  1. How long have you been doing the trip for? When did you start? 

“Before I even started 8th grade, at least 7-8 years. It’s always been an annual trip. We’ve gone approximately over ten times.”


  1. What is the point of the trip? Why are we doing it?

“The point of the trip is it’s a part of career readiness and exploration. Within the fourth marking period the 8th grade will do financial literacy and show the different sides of running a business, the restaurant business, the management, catering, kitchen side, etc.”


  1. What kind of food will be served? 

“Vegetarian option, usually a pasta dish, chicken dish, usually chicken parmesan, beef dish, usually roast beef, you get to choose your own dish.”


  1. How are people expected to behave? What are the rules to etiquette?

“Much like the etiquette for the Dickens fest, we refresh it and expect the 8th graders to be on their best behavior, being respectful, being quiet when someone’s talking, making eye contact when someone’s talking to you, and the 8th graders every year have acted appropriately.”


  1. What if you don’t have any clothes that fit in the dress code?

“It’s the same attire when we went to Stockton, not super fancy, business casual.”


In addition, Mr. Broomhead shared a little bit more about what the eighth grade had to look forward to: “Usually the Smithville Inn staff is very hospitable and have a surprise in store for the students as well.”

This sounds like something the eighth grade should be excited about. If you won’t be participating in this trip this year, look forward to visiting Smithville in the future!

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