Ways to Enjoy the Snow

Chances are that you noticed the abundance of snow on the ground these past few weeks. These were the first, second, and third snows of the year and the first few snow days. Many people were excited about the news and got ready to play. Others got ready to stay inside and enjoy the warmth of their house. We are supposed to receive more snow this weekend, and there are so many different ways to either enjoy it or have fun while avoiding it.

If you are someone who likes to go and enjoy the snow once it arrives, then you probably have made a snowman, gone sledding, and had a snowball fight before. But why not take it up a step and do something out of the ordinary? You could build other things with the snow such as a snow fort or an igloo. You could also offer to shovel a neighbor’s steps if they need it done, which will help them and make you feel happy that you could help someone.

However, if you are someone who doesn’t really enjoy the snow, there are plenty of other things that you can do to enjoy the snowy day as well. You could bake something, or cook something to enjoy later in the day, or as soon as you finish making it. You could also talk to friends and family, or even hang out if you can get to each other. If you would rather spend some time by yourself, then you could watch a movie or read a book for the first time, or one of your favorites that you have watched or read way more than once.

There are so many different ways to spend your snow day, and of course it doesn’t hurt to do the same thing that you always do, but it can also be fun to do something new with your time during the snow.

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