Preparing and understanding for the winter

Winter sunset

By Ava A.

Staff Writer

This year round the weather is starting to change rapidly. Now that we are transitioning from semi-cold weather to freezing cold and snowy weather is a very fast change, and we are just now starting to prepare for it.

Why The Weather is Starting to Change
According to the National Weather Service, due to the air movements and collinsons between the various types, precipitation in the middle of a cloud causes the precipitation to become charged aka cold. Lighter ice crystals become positively charged and are carried upward into an upper part of a storm causing rising air.

A couple of ways you can prepare for the winter are:

  • Starting to buy warmer clothes and shoes

    Winter sunset
    Winter sunset

      Shoes that are good for winter would be Uggs, boots, etc.

  • Start buying hand warmers to help with your cold hands. You can put them in your coat pockets, just hold them, or in your gloves!
  • Buying coats, heavy jackets, etc.

In conclusion, this is how we can help prepare for the cold weather and winter season. I hope this helps give you ideas on how to prepare and understand more about the winter seasons. Happy Holidays!




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