Peer Mediation

Have you ever had a problem you couldn’t solve? Well I might have an answer for you: it’s called Peer Mediation Club. Let me tell you about it.

What is Peer Mediation? Peer Mediation is a trained process in which two trained mediators sit down with peers who are disputing. The mediators walk them through the mediation process where the disputing parties end the mediation with a mutually acceptable agreement.

Why is peer mediation a good thing? The peer mediation process provides a safe and private process for disputing students to express their feelings and talk about their conflicts, and hopefully reach a resolution. Peer mediations have been proven to improve social skills, increase academic achievement, and raise self-esteem. Studies also show that students prefer students, rather than adults, to assist when they are attempting to resolve conflicts.

How will Peer mediator affect students? Peer Mediators will give students a safe and confidential environment to go to when they are having a dispute or conflict with peers. Studies have also shown that peer mediator groups reduce the incidence of conflict and negative behaviors.

What are some traits that students should have? Peer Mediators should be good listeners, empathetic, level-headed, confident, able to speak confidently to groups, respectful, etc.

How are students able to join peer mediators club? Students were able to sign up for Peer Mediators in the main office in December. We’re still looking to add some 5th grade students, so if you are a 5th grader who is interested, please see Mrs. Carver.

What students are eligible for peer mediators? All students are able to apply to be a Peer Mediator. There is a parent permission slip that must be signed, which says that your parent understands that you will potentially miss class time during mediation sessions and that it is the student’s responsibility to make up any missed assignments. There is also a student application that needs to be filled out. On the student application, you will need to get signatures from two of your current teachers.

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